Strategy Leaders Forum, Dubai, Day 3, Part 1
15th of April is the third day of the Strategy Leaders Forum. The first part of the day included two presentations, as detailed below.
1. ‘SMART Strategy Execution’ presented by Bernard Marr, Founder and CEO of The Advanced Performance Institute, United Kingdom.
The key points of the presentation:
- Steps for a SMART strategy execution: Start with strategy, Measure metrics and data, Apply analytics, Report results, Transform business and decision making;
- Key performance questions are the ones we want to answer in order to fulfill the strategy;
- The strategy map should represent why we exist as a company.
2. ‘Risk Management: Coordinating a common approach to strategic risk management across holding and individual business units to maximize shareholder value for the long term at Dubai Holding’ presented by Steven Barlow, Senior Vice President, Head of Strategic Risk Management at Dubai Holding, United Arab Emirates.
The key points of the presentation:
- Individual objectives should fit in the organizational objectives;
- The right information to the right people at the right time represents the right decisions;
- Implementing a risk management system requires the identification of the owner of each individual risk.

Tags: IIRME, News, Performance in Dubai, Performance in UAE, Strategy, The KPI Institute