KPI examples in practice: Camelot Group – the operator of The UK National Lottery
Camelot is the operator of The UK National Lottery. It operates solely in the UK and Isle of Man and its head office is situated in Watford. The primary purpose of the Camelot Group is to drive sales in order to maximize returns, having as principal activity the operation and promotion of The UK National Lottery in a socially-responsible manner.
Its strategy is centered on four key elements:
- Strengthening the National Lottery brand and giving it universal appeal.
- Growing the core product range and diversifying into new products to better satisfy consumer needs.
- Giving consumers easy access to the brand.
- Building direct dialog with consumers alongside traditional mass communications, wherever possible.
The Camelot Group monitors and uses a set of Performance Standards (Key Performance Indicators) in order to achieve its purpose, follow the strategy and also remaining compliant with regulations so it will maintain its Operating License.
The financial KPIs cover sales levels, prizes and returns, as well as net profit levels. The performance standards cover areas like the availability of the computer systems, player service, prize payment, complaints investigation and resolution, and customer contact.
The table below presents some of the KPIs used by the Camelot Group, together with the targets set and achieved at the end of 2008.
The table clearly depicts how performance indicators (both financial and non-financial) are aligned to the strategy the Camelot Group follows.
For example, to maximize the returns the Camelot Group monitors indicators such as:
- $ Profit before taxation
- $ Gross ticket sales
- $ Prizes
To give consumers easy access to the brand the Group monitors indicators such as:
- % Terminal sales availability
- % Access to NLL Voice Response System (VRS)
- % Complaint resolution (all channels)
The Camelot Group managed to achieve its targets for 2008 and even surpass some of them, safeguarding its position as one of the most cost-efficient lottery operators in the world.
More details
- library of KPIs in Practice: Camelot
- Camelot company website: 2009 Annual Report and Financial Statements

Tags: Government performance, Isle of Man, KPI in Practice, Performance in UK, Performance Management, Retail performance