Orange performance – an internal perspective
Financial Key Performance Indicators are crucial for any organization striving for success. However, they are not sufficient. A company nowadays needs to focus on its employees and the first thing to do, is to assure them a safe environment.
How is performing in this direction one of the world’s leaders in telecommunication services? Orange has created in 2011 a dashboard focusing on health, safety and absenteeism key performance indicators, and it aims to extend it to all its subsidiaries. For the time being, the values for the entire Group are not available outside the scope of France Telecom S.A.
The occupational health, safety and quality of life aspects are monitored based on five key performance indicators (KPIs). The number of occupational accidents with lost time reduced with more than 12%, from 777 in 2010 to 677 in 2012. The frequency rate of occupational accidents reduced with almost 14%, from 5.22 in 2010 to 4.49 in 2012. The severity rate of occupational accidents also reduced with more than 14%, from 0.35 in 2010 to 0.30 in 2012.
However, there were two KPIs which had their values increased over time, which means it is still place for improvement. Regarding the number of fatal occupational accidents, in 2012, there were two fatal accidents, compared to just one in 2010. Moreover, the number of employees whose cases were classed as occupational illness increased from 49 in 2010 to 116 in 2012. This translates into an increase with almost 137%.
Regarding the absenteeism, Orange France Telecom monitors two indicators. The number of employee days absence due to occupational accidents reduced from 51,957 in 2010 to 45,380 in 2012, which represents a decrease of more than 12%. In what concerns the number of employee days absence due to illness, the reduction was of around 7%, from 1,051,855 in 2010 to 967,857 in 2012.
“Convinced that social performance and economic performance are inseparable for long-term overall success, we have been reviewing our social policy since the end of 2009 to place our employees at the heart of the organization”. With such an approach, Orange continues to be one of the preferred employers, 81% of the personnel being proud to be part of the Group, and a powerful brand: the eighth-most valuable telecom brand worldwide.
- France Telecom-Orange (2013), Registration document
- France Telecom-Orange (2013), Bonds between economic and social performances
- France Telecom-Orange (2013), People
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Tags: KPI, KPI in Practice, Orange, Performance in France, Telecommunication