5 trends impacting strategy and performance management
The KPI Institute held a webinar titled “2023 Business Pulse: 5 Trends Impacting Strategy and Performance Management” in April 2023. The event was organized for executives and professionals in strategy and performance management who want to position their companies for success in today’s business environment. The discussion is based on the “2023 Global Trends Brief – Impact on Strategy and Performance Management Practices” report, which can be downloaded for free here.
2023 Global Trends Brief is a secondary research analysis aiming to outline the most important factors affecting the business environment and how they shape strategy and performance management practices. Executives and Strategy Managers are pressured to adopt management tools and processes to create resilient and agile organizations. Our research reviewed 95 reports and articles from reputable research and consultancy companies as of March 2023. These sources cover various factors shaping markets, such as geopolitical influences, global economic tendencies, society, technology, and climate. Based on our findings, five key driving factors of change for organizations have been identified and presented in the report to set the general operating context for most companies in 2023.

Tags: Performance Management, Strategy, trends