15th HR Shared Services and Outsourcing Summit – Main Conference Day 1
The first day of the Main Conference was structured in two blocks: Speeches and Breakout Sessions. During these day, speakers shared their experience in implementing Human Resources Shared Services Systems.
Key topics covered:
- Know Your Worth – Karen E. Francks, Manager of HR Services & Disbursements from Pepco Holdings, Inc. discussed about key points in assessing the value of today in order to create value for tomorrow;
- Genetically Modified – Diaa Mohamed and Marylene Hnery from Hewlett-Packard described how Human Resources Shared Services DNA can drive employee engagement;
- How do you compare – Scott Manning, partner of ScottMadden, Inc. shared the findings of the 3rditeration of the company’s annual Human Resources Shared Services benchmarking study;
- Automation as a Key to Transformation – focused on leveraging new HR technologies to take the cost out of the HR processes & service delivery.
Track A: Planning, Launching and Stabilizing HRSS
Key Topics Covered:
- Building a Business Case for Technology Investment, focusing on realizing the value of HR Technology as a key enabler of a company’s HR transformation;
- Secrets to a Successful Global Expansion, where Adriana Bokel Herde and Liz Abbot from Biogen shared how their company designed an efficient, flexible and scalable delivery model for global HR shared services.
Track B: Continuous Improvement, Expansion & Next Generation HRSS
Key Topics Covered:
- Reinventing HR Shared Services – Karla Younger from Coca-Cola Refreshments explained how to build a roadmap for optimization and expansion;
- The Truth About Going Global – where Sheila McDonald shared with the attendees the inside look into execution and delivery of a global HRSS expansion in the Royal Bank of Canada;
- Kaiser Permanente’s HR delivery service, explained by Janet Speer, showed Kaiser Permanente’s journey from a locally distributed model to a centralized model.

Tags: HR, Performance in USA